Now go to File > Open > Select the “Legacy XP/WAD/Legacy XP Launcher.wad”. Go to Tools > Install WAD and select the “Legacy XP/WAD/Legacy XP Launcher.wad”.Super Smash Bros Brawl Legacy XP should now show up in the center screen. Double click on the text in the center that says setup your games directory and browse to your “Legacy XP/WBFS” folder. Go to your “Dolphin LXP/Config” folder and run “Dolphin LXP.exe”.You will now have a Super Smash Bros Brawl Legacy XP.wbfs file in your WBFS folder (go back out of the Builder folder). iso file in the WBFS/Builder folder and run the appropriate build script (.bat for Windows. Do not use anything around 4GB, I’ve seen some copies online that are around this size and will not work. You also need a legit copy of Super Smash Bros. The 2nd folder (Legacy XP) is used to make the game file. The 1st folder (Dolphin LXP) is the emulator you will be using. There is a video at the bottom if you want visual aid. Not 100% sure on this, but I’ve seen an error that states this.
NOTE: If you plan on playing this on Dolphin on Android you may need a NAND dump.
There are 2 methods to setting up Super Smash Bros Legacy XP.